It has taken some time to get the web site back online. I would like to think that this delay has been a result of some serious, stressful and arduous effort, but mostly it’s been because I am too damn busy, both with writing and with the full time job.

In any case, it’s my intention to update the blog, at least, on a weekly basis, with some additional content as I am able to provide it – excerpts, background material for published and to-be-published work, and my upcoming events.

I look forward to hearing from you as we move forward.

About Walter Hunt

Walter H. Hunt is a science fiction and historical fiction writer. His first four books (the Dark Wing series) are military science fiction, originally published by Tor, presently part of the Baen Books e-library. He has written two 1632 series books with the late Eric Flint, and a third will appear in 2023. He has also written historical fiction and alternate history (most recently City by the Bay, soon to be republished by Prince of Cats). He is the librarian for the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Boston

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